The season is now underway and I’d like to thank everyone who turned out to represent us on Wednesday May 11th against the BCBA.
To be able to provide 4 rinks plus a triple so early in the season is extremely encouraging and it’s always good to start with a win, albeit on a curtailed basis due to some truly awful weather.
BBA won by three shots, after twelve ends, before rain ended proceedings.
At that point the top rink was Glynis Atkins, Martin Morris, Martyn Johnson and Gary Stevens with a score of 16-7
Shirley Park is an excellent venue where for many years the BCBA finals have been held and once again they provided us with a first rate green and a wonderful afternoon tea with numerous homemade cakes.
We are due to be back there again to play against the host club on THURSDAY JUNE 23rd and at this time we have several positions still open for selection, so please take the opportunity to play here again or for the first time, you’ll be impressed.
Colin Watson is waiting for your name(s)